Juicing is a great opportunity to enhance your immediate and long-term health, no matter what shape your body is in. It is a great way to strengthen your immune system and absorb more nutrients than you do normally with solid foods. At Jungle Detox, we know that drinking one green juice a day is one of the best things we can do for our health. It is the medicine of our time. When it is fresh, raw, without preservatives, properly extracted and handled the way we handle it, it has amazing power. Green juices are the builders and regenerators of the body. This is why we drink a lot of them and kickstart every single day with 1 juice.
Each of our juices are cold-pressed using a hydraulic press. The press uses a tremendous amount of pressure to slowly and gently extract the flavor, nutrients, and enzymes from the fresh produce. The juice contains more nutrient and is easier to absorb.
-LIFE FORCE ENERGY (No heat in the process, no damage to the nutrients and living enzymes)
Cold-pressed juice is made on a hydraulic press, which slowly applies pressure to extract juice from vegetables and fruits. This method aims to extract the maximum amount of liquid possible without using heat or oxygen so that none of the nutrients and living enzymes are lost. -RETAIN MORE NUTRIENT Cold pressed juices retain significantly more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, and other nutrients compared to normal juices exposed to heat. -EASY TO ABSORB The removal of the fibers in the extraction of the juices, enables juices to be very quickly digested and assimilated. The juice extracted with a cold-press juicer from fresh, raw vegetables and fruits, is the very finest nourishment we can get. -HELP YOU REACH 7 A DAY Studies recommends to consume 400g to 560g of around 5 to 7 different fresh fruits and vegetables per day. But how many of us manage to hit this target in our hectic daily life? At Jungle Detox, we pack our 500ml bottle with 1 kg of vegetables and fruits, getting you well on your way to consuming your 7 portions a day!

Cold pressed juices retain significantly more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, and other nutrients compared to normal juices exposed to heat.

The removal of the fibers in the extraction of the juices, enables juices to be very quickly digested and assimilated. The juice extracted with a cold-press juicer from fresh, raw vegetables and fruits, is the very finest nourishment we can get.

Studies recommends to consume 400g to 560g of around 5 to 7 different fresh fruits and vegetables per day. But how many of us manage to hit this target in our hectic daily life? At Jungle Detox, we pack our 500ml bottle with 1 kg of vegetables and fruits, getting you well on your way to consuming your 7 portions a day!
We do not pasteurize or high pressure process our juices. Pasteurization and other juice preservation techniques like HPP (High Pressure Processing) destroy or degrade the inherent nutritional content of the juice. Enzymes in particular, which are vital for transporting nutrients, repairing tissues, removing toxins, and more, are totally decimated by pasteurization and HPP.
Diversity is the spice of life. At Jungle Detox, we know that and we work hard to produce the most nutritionnally packed cold pressed juices in the market. With health in mind, we pack our juices with some of the most nutrient-packed food in the world, covering 48 amazing plant based ingredients in total.
And don’t be fooled by a green looking juice! Many juice companies use a high ratio of fruits, which can spike your blood sugar, making you feel jittery, or giving you a short energy boost, but a fast crash. This is why at Jungle Detox you always find at least 50% of vegetables in each bottle of juice, regardless of the chosen juice level.
Sure you can as all our juices are 100% natural without adding any sugar, preservatives, stabilizers, colours or additives. Our juices and nutmilks are made only from real fruits, vegetables, nut, seeds, and spices, and are great to incorporate into your diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding to strengthen your immune system and consume more nutrients than you do normally with solid foods.
As our juices are 100% natural and raw without adding any preservatives, stabilizers, colours or additives, it's important to keep them refrigerated. When you receive your package, make sure to store the juices you will drink today or next morning in the fridge and store the other juices in the freezer. It's crucial to store the juices for next days in the freezer to keep the nutrients safe.
We do not pasteurize or use any preservatives or additives in our juice. The juices will last 3 days in your refrigerator. Once purchased, the juices should be kept frozen until you are ready to consume them. You can safely keep them in the freezer for 3 months.
We don't recommend to keep the juices at room temperature more than 4 hours. Once you open the bottle, we recommend to drink it within 24 hours to get the most nutrients out of the juice. If you haven't finished your bottle, make sure to store the remaining back in the fridge and consume it within 24 hours.
Because our juices are 100% natural and raw. Natural settling and separation in our juices means Jungle Detox uses no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives, or other ingredients that can prevent the settling process. Before drinking, be sure to give your juice a nice shake!
Of course! Most kids don’t get enough good nutrition from raw, fresh produce as recommended per our standard diet. Our juices can be a good addition into your kids diet to make sure they get vitamins and nutrients that their bodies need for proper development. We have designed the taste profiles so that your young ones will love the juices as well. Child tested, parent approved!
Studies recommends to consume 400g to 560g of around 5 to 7 different fresh fruits and vegetables per day. But how many of us manage to hit this target in our hectic daily life? At Jungle Detox, we pack our 500ml bottle with 1 kg of vegetables and fruits, getting you well on your way to consuming your 7 portions a day!
Don't eat less, eat right. Long-term success is more likely when you focus on what you can add to your diet rather than what you need to restrict. We advocate for Jungle Detox to be part of a healthy lifestyle, and focus on nutrients counting rather than calorie counting. Think of our juices as vitamin pills in its purest form: fresh nutrients and enzymes that nourish your body. We want to give you access to unadulterated essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes from fruits and vegetables that you would otherwise not consume. There are no "empty" calories in our juices. Everything gets used by your body in an appropriate manner and stored in different areas to give you energy and nourishment. However, we understand that it is a concern for many individuals; our juices range from 50-250 calories per bottle.
No! There are no added sugars in our juices. In fact there is nothing added in our juices apart from our amazing plants based ingredients. All of our juices are 100% natural and raw without any sugar, preservatives, stabilizers, colours or additives.
That's the beauty of nature! Just like the fruits and vegetables you buy have natural variations, so do our juices! Our juices are all handcrafted in individual batches, so variations may occur at times.
Our juices are freshly made with pride in Yangon, Myanmar. Mainly relying on our local sources of fresh ingredients and at the same time introducing some of the most unique and rare superfoods from abroard.
Jungle Detox Juice Cleanse is a specific program designed to cleanse, nourish and hydrate your body while enhancing the natural detoxification process. It involves consuming raw, unpasteurised, cold-pressed vegetable and fruit juices to increase the supply of minerals, vitamins and enzymes. It gives your body a rest from digesting solid food while maximizing the absorption of nutrients it requires to carry out deeper detoxification, nourishment and hydration than it can on a daily basis.
This deep cleaning is necessary to give the best of ourselves despite our modern, urban and stressful lifestyles.
Even if elimination is a natural process, it can be overloaded due to an urban lifestyle (pollution, industrial food, stress, lack of sleep). Our usual diet, full of inflammatory foods, make it worse and most of us are consuming insufficient amount of fresh fruits vegetables seeds and nuts containing essential nutrients very much needed in core phases of detoxification. As a result, the body has stored waste "for later use" which it cannot immediately dispose of.
Even if elimination is a natural process, it can be overloaded due to an urban lifestyle (pollution, industrial food, stress, lack of sleep). Our usual diet, full of inflammatory foods, make it worse and most of us are consuming insufficient amount of fresh fruits vegetables seeds and nuts containing essential nutrients very much needed in core phases of detoxification. As a result, the body has stored waste "for later use" which it cannot immediately dispose of.
The purpose of our Juice Cleanse Program is to support these organs of elimination by consuming enzymes, vitamins and other molecules that will improve and optimize the natural detoxification process and make the body free of debris and toxins.
Doing a cleanse gives your digestive system rest, allowing your body to put the energy normally used for digestion into detoxification, recovery and healing.
No matter where you are on your wellness journey, cleansing is for anyone looking to improve their health! A cleansing practice is a great way to break unhealthy eating patterns, reboot your ability to taste and enjoy plant-based foods, and give your energy levels a boost!
It mostly depends on your usual diet and lifestyle. Generally speaking, the more lacking your diet is in fruits and vegetables, and the more often you tend to indulge in unhealthy foods, caffeine, and alcohol, the more you will benefit from frequent cleansing.
1 Day Juice Cleanse: 
1 day juice cleanse is ideally if you are an experienced cleanser. If you have done a longer cleanse before and want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and give your body a rest
Recommended: Once a week
3 Days Classic Cleanse: 3 days juice cleanse is great for new cleansers wanting to start a healthy lifestyle, or for more experienced cleansers looking for a nice reboot. We recommend starting with our Classic Cleanse Level 1 and work your way up.
Recommended: Once a month
5 Days Advanced Cleanse: If you have tried cleansing before and are looking for a more intense experience to overhaul your eating habits and improve your health, 5 days juice cleanse is 60% more cleansing time and you will release many more toxins. You gain more benefits the longer you cleanse.
Recommended: Once every 3 months
7 Days Expert Cleanse: 7 days juice cleanse is recommended if you’re an experienced, regular cleanser or if you’re looking to make big lifestyle changes. These cleanse give you the nutrition needed to support your weight goals, and help you build healthy habits that can dramatically transform your health in the long term.
Recommended: Once every 4 months
Starting out on the right foot is essential, and believe us : preparation is key. To ensure that your cleanse gets off to the smoothest start possible and minimize negative symptoms, we recommend avoiding certain foods a few days beforehand. Ideally, you should gradually phase out animal protein, wheat flour, sugar, alcohol, nicotine and coffee 3 days prior to your cleanse. Make sure to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. You should load up on fresh veggies and fruits the days before you start your cleanse. You’ll thank us later.
  1. Don’t eat any solid food! Eating slows down the detoxification process.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day between the juices. It's really helpful to flush out the toxins more effectively.
  3. Take the juice out of the refrigerator and let it sit for 10 minutes before shaking it up and consuming it.
  4. Take around 30 minutes to finish each juice sip by sip.
  5. Have around 2-3 hours in between juices.
  6. Do not add water to the juices.
  7. Keep the juices refrigerated at all times.
  8. Finish the last juice at least 2 hours before you sleep.
  9. Have your last water window 30 minutes before bed.
The idea is to continue after the cleanse with clean, lean, nutritionally dense food as your body is in the optimum state to absorb the goodness. Maximize the detoxifying benefits of your juice cleanse by drinking 2 liters of water a day and eating a clean diet for the 3 days leading up to your cleanse. Gradually reintroduce solid foods into your diet, starting with fresh fruits and vegetables on the first day, healthy whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa on day two and nuts, seeds and animal proteins (we recommend you to start with fish if possible) on day three. Use your juice cleanse experience to create new, healthy eating habits! After that, you should keep drinking one juice a day in order to maintain a good nutritional balance.
- Enhance Natural Detoxification Process
- Give Your Exhausted Digestive System A Break
- Restore Your Acidic-Base Balance
- Improve Skin Quality
- Powerful Kickstart For Your Weight Loss Journey
- Let Your Body Heal & Repair Itself
- Improve Cognitive Function
- Feel Energized
- Helps Reduce Cells Damage
Toxins are one of the main obstacles that get into your weight loss journey. It is our body natural back-up plan to produce fat cells to store in excess toxins that our liver cannot detoxify. Our juice cleanse programs are specifically designed to enhance the natural detoxification process and help your body perform at its peak. The kickstart our programs give will help you break your old habits and aid long term healthy lifestyle.
Juicing and juice cleanses are often used by athletes and health and wellness-minded individuals alike to get more focused and prepare their bodies for their workload.
Our cleanse guideline book contains all the information and juice lists you will need to effectively complete your cleanse, including:
-Which juices you will be consuming on each day.
-What time of the day you will be drinking each juice. On top of it, our customer support team will be in touch with you throughout the program.
Yes! Drinking plenty of water is key to helping your body flush out toxins. We recommend that you drink at least 2 liters of water each day to make sure you’re staying hydrated while doing your cleanse.
We understand that coffee might be a part of your everyday routine, but we don’t recommend consuming caffeine during your cleanse. Warm herbal teas are preferable to be part of your daily routine while you’re cleansing.
For each of our juice cleanses, you will be consuming 6 of our cold pressed juices every day and 1 wellness shot.
It is not recommended. Most store bought juice are not cold-pressed and have been processed and pasteurized causing a loss in nutrients. Furthermore, many contain additives which defeats the purpose of cleansing your body of unnatural substances.
We don't recommend eating any solid food as one of the main benefits of completing a juice cleanse is to provide your digestive organs with a much needed break. Your body will benefit from the surge of vitamins and nutrients while your digestive organs can simply flush through the juice that you are consuming.
It is definitely true to say that our bodies cleanse naturally and constantly. We like to think of our cleanse programs as an occasional way to take a breather from hectic day-to-day routines and streamline your nutrition. Historically, cleansing was a way to bring balance back into one’s life. Our cleanses are designed to help your body reset, replenish key nutrients to support detoxification process and achieve a more balanced state.
Our products are made in a facility that stores and processes nuts and seeds, but we do our absolute best to minimize any cross-contamination risk. If you have any allergy, we can customized a plan suitable for you.
Yes! When you exercise and your body temperature rises, you increase blood flow, which in turn transfers heat from the core of the body to the skin. The sweating process helps eliminate heavy metals and toxic chemicals. Exercise and saunas are both great ways to work up a sweat. Just be smart about it. Listen to your body and don’t over do it.
We do not recommend doing a juice cleanse, or any other type of cleanse, while you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is important not to restrict your calorie intake during this time. However, we think adding in fresh raw cold-pressed juices to your daily diet can be a wonderful thing!
As our juices are 100 % natural and raw without any sugar, preservatives, stabilizers, colours or additives, they will not have adverse effect on your medications. However, the chemical compounds in your medications give more workload to your liver and might slow down your detoxification process.
That's why if you are someone who is on regular medication, you may want to schedule more often to do the cleanse program. Our juice cleanses are designed to rid your body of all unnatural substances including those found in medication. If you are scheduled or planning to take any medication, please consult with your physician.
As our cold pressed juices are packed with loads of vitamins and minerals, you will not really need your vitamin supplements while doing our juice cleanse. As with other medications, we recommend talking to your doctor first so you can make the best choice for you and your body.
Protein is an important part of our body structure. How it is taken in the body is the important matter to focus on. Amino acids are what the body requires. Plants and fruits have all the required amino acids to build the protein that the body needs. Although it can be used as such, the body does not require protein to make protein. It requires amino acids to make protein. Furthermore, many people consume entirely too much protein. In doing so, the excess protein is stored in the body as fat or toxic waste. That is one major violation of a detoxification. Protein is also the most complex of all food elements, and is the hardest for the body to break down. When too much is consumed, the body expends much energy to break it down and digest it, and it often leaves the body feeling sluggish. Think of some the strongest animals in the world: elephants, horses, buffalos, and gorillas. What do they eat? Plants, nuts, and fruits.
There are over 4,000 toxin chemicals present in cigarette smoke, which you then inhale and absorb into your body. To maximize your juice cleanse results, we would strongly suggest that you abstain from smoking in order to flush as many toxins from your body as you can, without adding to the list. For those of you who are looking to quit smoking, completing a juice cleanse can help to kick bad habits to the curb!
Yes! Not only are massages incredibly relaxing, they can also mobilize toxins in your body, leading to excretion.
Using a stiff bristle brush, preferably made from natural materials, you firmly brush your skin with strokes brushing towards your heart. Not only will it leave your skin feeling soft, dry skin brushing will also remove dead skin cells that clog your pores, preventing your body from expelling toxins. Also, dry skin brushing stimulates your Lymphatic system, which is responsible for eliminating cellular waste in your body.
