Common Mistakes When Detoxing

Jun 27,2022

- Drinking / Containing Too Many Fruit-Based Juices

Don’t be fooled by a green looking juice! Many juice companies use a high ratio of fruits, which can spike your blood sugar, making you feel jittery, or giving you a short energy boost, but a fast crash. This is why at Jungle Detox you always find at least 50% of vegetables in each bottle of juice, regardless of the chosen juice level.


- It's Not Cold-Pressed

Centrifugal juicers or blenders rely on high-speed spinning blades to extract the juice. This process create heat and air by friction, which greatly increase oxidation and therefore greatly increases nutrient loss. The juice you obtain will spoil in a short period of time, making it far less nutritious than what you get from drinking juice that has been cold-pressed.

Cold-pressed juice is made on a hydraulic press, which slowly applies pressure to extract juice from vegetables and fruits. Cold-pressing aims to extract the maximum amount of liquid possible without using heat or oxygen so that none of the nutrients are lost.

This method prevents oxidation and helps to preserve the important phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and enzymes you need in order to function properly and support your body's natural detoxification processes.


- Don't Give A Break To Your Digestive System 

The removal of the fibers in the extraction of the juices, enables the juice to be very quickly digested and assimilated without burdening the digestive organs. Whereas, a blender or a centrifugal juicer will produce a smoothie or a juice still containing the pulp (insoluble fiber), which will require hours to digest.

Furthermore, to drink juices from which the pulp has not been extracted taxes the digestive organs more than eating and properly masticating the raw vegetables and fruits themselves, as proper insalivation and thorough mastication is essential to the complete digestion of vegetables when the insoluble fiber is present.


- You Are Not Hydrating Enough  

Making sure you’re staying hydrated is important, especially during your cleanse. Dehydration can cause some uncomfortable symptoms like headaches, dizziness, fatigue, poor memory, and even poor mood. Even though fruits and vegetables contain water, you should be drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. This will keep you hydrated, reduce feelings of hunger, and help flush toxins from your body.


- You Are Not Doing Pre-Cleanse

The diet you follow before your cleanse can have a big impact on your juicing experience. Preparation is key! It's a way not to shock your body during detoxification. We recommend you to consume more natural whole foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts (like almonds) and seeds (like chia seeds). Most importantly, try to avoid or reduce things that are high in sodium, sugar, oil, unhealthy fats, flavors, colors and preservatives. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.


-Considering Juice Cleanse As A Quick Fix / Extreme Ongoing Diet

Start as you mean to go on a healthy track. Dont do juice cleanse just to shed a few pounds, focus instead to allow your body to heal, reset and adjust itself and most importantly to hydrate and replenish with loads of nutrients from several raw vegetables. A juice cleanse is an ideal way to give your system a break and allow your body to heal itself, adjust itself. It gives you the nutrition needed to help you build healthy habits that can dramatically transform your health in the long term. Health is not about what you do occationally, its about what you do consistently.
